What are the criteria for acceptance?
Precedence is given to siblings as well as to those children advancing from nursery to kindergarten or kindergarten to hort. We make sure that age and sex are reasonably compatible, so that each child will find a friend to play with.
It is also advantageous if a child has some knowledge of or connection to the English language (e.g. if he/she is growing up in a bilingual family or has spent time in a country with English, or has relatives there). Also children living in the vicinity of the kita will have priority. We also consider social criteria such as single parents. Those applying should be open-minded to the idea of the Parents Initiative and be prepared to contribute to the concept. These criteria are not in any way decisive, since the final decision is made by the kita staff and members of the board.
How good are the chances for me to secure a place for my child?
We can only answer this question when we have received all the applications. Please note that the date of application (within the specified time) is not a criteria for acceptance or refusal. The number of applications has risen in recent years and the available places were fewer. We expect that this year too will pose enormous difficulties with few vacancies, so that we recommend applying to other kita at the same time.
Are places available during the year or only in September?
All vacancies are filled in September. However, should a family decide against taking the vacancy offered or remove a cnild during the year, we do have a waiting list. If you have your child on such a list please note that we will only contact you if a vacancy occurs.
How much time do parents need to invest in helping the organization?
The contract requires about 40 hours a year. This includes work in various parent groups, assistance with cleaning on one of two specific days during the year and preparations for the summer party. The 40 hours may vary depending on the amount of work required.
How often is the kita closed?
In general one week at Easter, two weeks in the summer holidays and two weeks at Christmas. In addition there are a few team meetings on days which are arranged at the start of the kita year.
When will we learn whether we have a place for our child or not?
The dates for acceptance or refusal are the same for all the Augsburg kitas. These dates are set by Augsburg officials. As soon as we know these dates they will be posted on our homepage.